Frequently Asked Questions
What are Woodshield posts?
- Chemical free timber fully encased in recycled plastic
- The WoodShield production process coats a chemical free machined pine timber pole in a protective layer of plastic up to 6mm thick. The process creates a strong adhesive bond between the timber and the plastic coating which actually increases the overall strength. The polymer completely seals the post leaving no timber exposed. The post ends are sealed with very thick end caps which allow the posts to be hydraulically rammed or knocked into the ground.
How long do the Woodshield posts last?
- The life span is approx. 50 – 100+ years
- Independent testing completed their ‘3 Point Bending Tests’ on the WoodShield posts and the results showed they have a 40 to 50% higher breaking force than treated pine posts.
- The breakage deflection angle is twice that of standard timber posts.
- No rot / No rust
Can I nail or screw into them?
- Yes, all nails, screws, bolts, fencing pins can be used.
- As the fastener “cuts” through the outer poly and into the timber the poly seals on itself.
- No splits or cracks, no drying out of the timber so no loose fasteners over time.
Can they be knocked / rammed into the ground?
- Yes.
- The post ends are sealed with very thick end caps which allow the posts to be hydraulically rammed or knocked into the ground just as a standard timber post would be.
- They are not pointed and we suggest a pilot hole – It all depends on the ground
- Both old school hammer and the new vibration/percussion rammers work.
Can the posts be “notched”?
- No, as the timber is not chemically treated you cannot have any exposed timber so you cannot “notch” a post for an angle stay etc. There are many brackets for this that can be added.
- You cannot drill through a post to run a wire through it. The wire can be attached to the side.
Do animals eat them?
- No
- Being coated in plastic ensures the posts are resilient to vermin, the harsh Australian climate and offer a long life with little no degradation over time.
- We have not had one horse eat a post
- The horse racing industry has welcomed the product as horses that eat the standard treated timber posts can test positive for drug use and face fines and bans.
- No issues with termites / white ants. They are installed out in the desert at BHP Olympic Dam in SA. The wild dog fence in both NSW and Qld use them in the outback (termite country)
Are the Woodshield posts water proof?
- Yes.
- The whole timber post is fully encapsulated in the recycled poly.
- They are used in the ocean to grow oysters across Australia, NZ, Japan and the USA (West Coast)
- They are used in the prawn ponds to hold the aerator’s in position.
- They are used for making jetty’s and boardwalks.
Are the Woodshield posts fireproof?
- There is no fire retardant in the post but they have beaten fires in Cobargo NSW (late 2019), Mallacoota VIC (early 2020) and across Victoria and Sth Australia.
Do you need any special OH&S handing equipment?
- No
- The Woodshield posts are all uniform, smooth and while being stronger, they are actually lighter to handle.
- No gloves, masks or safety glasses required
- No splinters or cracks
What happens at the end of life?
- The posts can be fully recycled.
- You strip the poly off like peeling a banana and that can be fully recycled. The timber can be mulched or burnt as there is no chemical treatment.

Are the Woodshield posts Sustainable and environmentally friendly?
- Yes
- The Woodshield products are from the circular economy.
- We use sustainable timber and Agri-waste.
- We are certified organic across Australia and New Zealand
What is the Woodshield warranty?
- There is a 10 year manufacturer’s warranty.